Hello, welcome to my graphic design portfolio!
My name is Reese and my pronouns are they/them. As a designer, I have always adored the storytelling aspects of design. What personality does this brand have? Are they strong and trustworthy, or are they bubbly and playful? This love comes from my insatiable desire to learn, grow, and communicate. Sharing our life experiences allows us more opportunities to grow as individuals, and as a whole. Design allows us to share these stories in a unique, and effective manner.

I received my Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design at Arizona State University. The experience taught me more than just design though, I learned how to handle a lot of pressure. When push came to shove though, I came out the other side. That drive to get things done even under pressure was one of the most valuable skills I strengthened.

I worked as a graphic designer at ARC Impressions. They are a small business company that does large-scale printing for bigger businesses. Working with my fellow designer, I learned so many important details to consider and keep in mind. The job honed those skills beyond what college had taught me.

Recently, I worked as the sole designer for United Beauty Supply. The job put my skills to the test. It pushed me to pivot and manage my priorities as I was always working on the next week’s sales and any internal projects.

That is just my experience so far though. I can not wait to learn and grow more. What can I learn from you?